Our Practice

Human Rights

The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario is responsible for resolving applications in the province which claim discrimination or harassment under the Human Rights Code.


Small Claims Court

The Small Claims Court handles any action for the payment of money and/or the recovery of personal property where the amount claimed does not exceed $35,000.00.

Small Claims

Landlord And Tenant Board

The Landlord and Tenant Board has jurisdiction in Ontario to resolve disputes between landlords and tenants through mediation or adjudication, resolve eviction applications from co-op and to provide information to landlords and tenants about their rights and responsibilities under the Residential Tenancies Act.

Landlord And Tenant Board

Summary Criminal Charges

Criminal offences can create barriers in various areas of your life, from employment to family to shelter. Offences fall into 3 categories: indictable, summary or hybrid offence.

Criminal Charges Summary

Highway Traffic Violations / Provincial Offences

The Ontario Court of Justice hears all provincial offences matters, in addition to offences against municipal by-laws. However, highway traffic violations make up over 75% of the provincial offences heard in POA court.

Highway Traffic Violations

Employment Law

There are various acts and governing bodies that regulate employment law in Ontario. This is why it can be tricky to navigate when disputes arise. Come in and let us advise you on your options.

Employment Law


The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) provides wage-loss benefits, medical coverage and support to workers injured on the job.


Licensing Appeals Tribunal (LAT)

The Licence Appeal Tribunal (LAT) hears applications and resolves disputes concerning compensation claims regarding licensing activities regulated by the provincial government.

Licensing Appeals Tribunal LAT